5 things I wish I knew when I was pregnant

  1. Labour isn't really that bad 

I remember one of the first things I thought about when I got pregnant was that I was kind of scared at the idea of going through labour.  I’d seen all the TV shows & movies and labour is made out to be crazy rushed and that it would hurt like crazy.

I'm not saying that labour doesn't hurt ……. it definitely does. But my experience and I think most women experience was nothing like what was portrayed in those movies and shows. 

My three births were all very different.. But in the end nothing that happens during labour compared to holding my beautiful babies in my arms at the end. 

It's like in an instant you forget everything that you have just been through when you hold that incredible baby that you create it inside you for 9 months and it's placed on your chest. 

It's a moment like nothing else you will ever experience again. so my first advice is always to focus on the new baby you will have and remember up to focus on that when you're in labour.

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2. what clothes to buy for baby 

I worried so much about what clothes I was going to need for my baby when I was pregnant. What should I get for the baby now, how many outfits should I actually have. What size would my baby be.

My advice is just to look around for about a week's worth of outfits in neutral tones. Even if you know you're having a boy or a girl going for neutrals means that you'll be able to use it to any future babies you have as well. Those clothes will only last about 4 weeks before your baby will grow out of them. So you want to have things that will last for all your children.

I can highly recommend looking at something like The Essential Baby Baby box for this. They offer a box that covers in and includes everything that you will need for those first few weeks when your bum arrives. Then once where you can go out shopping for outfits in the bigger sizes that you'll actually need. it means you'll be able to shop for things that will actually suit your baby.

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3. sleep

I remember complaining that I wasn't getting enough sleep when I was pregnant, how little did I understand what was to come. There are lots of things you can do to ensure you get plenty of sleep while you are pregnant.

First make sure you stick to the routine of going to bed a little earlier. It's a good habit to get into anyway but even more important when your baby arrives. It just means that when you get your little one down to sleep and settled will be much more likely to think I need to take myself off to bed .

Secondly, have a quick nap when possible. I know it's not always easy but just having that little extra sleep here and there can make a huge difference .

Thirdly, get a pillow that will make sleeping a lot more comfortable. This is probably my most important thing. using a pillow that you can stretch along your whole body means that your belly is fully supported and therefore you will be much more comfortable. You'll end up sleeping so much better. don't worry that this pillow will only get used when you're pregnant because I promise you will end up using it when your baby comes as well.

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4) only listen to advice that really resonates with you

From the first moment you let your friends and family know that you are pregnant the advice will start. He generally always comes from a well meaning place, but it's very confusing at the same time. Sometimes the ideas can be the polar opposite of each other .

My advice is only to listen to your advice that resonates with you and ignore the rest .

There is no rule book on how to raise kids. In fact the guidelines interchange on a regular basis. As a mum you're going to need to listen to your gut feelings. I've heard so many stories from Mum's over the years who have trusted they got in regards to children's illnesses and they have always been right even when the doctors were telling them they were not

So my advice when you're pregnant is to learn to listen to your gut and that way when Bob arrives you will have started to listen to you in your intuition. 

It’s important to know there are no right or wrong when raising kids. We alternately all want to raise happy resilient little people to go out into the world. We will make mistakes along the way that's just normal. All you can do is do the best you can.
But most importantly remember that the thing that your little one needs most from you is love.

sydney pregnancy photos

5) Enjoy your time is a couple before your baby arrives

It's very easy to get very caught up in the arrival of your baby and forget about your partner. Pregnancy is so much harder for guys in so many ways.They watch their partners change both physically and mentally and yet for them nothing is that different. In fact I think many men feel very nervous about what life will be like once their baby actually arrives.

As women we get to feel this little person grow inside us. Those little and then big kicks, all the changes that happen to our body in preparation for a butt. Men don't get to experience it in the same way .

I remember my hubby saying to me that he didn't ever feel ready to be a dad.

So while you're pregnant try to focus your attention on your partner. Make some extra time to spend with him on the things that you've always enjoyed doing together. Lots of couples get together to plan the baby room which is fantastic but don't get too caught up on focusing fon the baby and forget to actually just spend time with him on a daily basis.

When your baby arrives your focus will be on your bum for the first 12 months. That's very natural and Dad will understand. But remember always to involve him in any way that you can.


Imagine that it’s 18 yrs from now…. that little person who’s wriggling inside you & kicking you all the time has just finished their HSC and it about to take off on a gap year trip around Europe….

You are struggling to remember those first few days after they arrived… when they fit in your arms and laid on your chest to sleep.. those little sounds as they slept, the way their eyelids fluttered when they were dreaming.. The little hands that could wrap around your finger and those sweet expressions as they tried to hard so focus on your face.

Now it’s all a blur…

When they are tiny we think we will remember .. but life passes by too quickly… and we forget.

Don’t rely on your memory for those precious moments, let us capture them for you so you will be able to remember them forever.

Kate Buechner