How to create me time as a mum

How to Create some ‘Me’ time… with a family, job and commitments.

I have recently realized how easy it is to forget what “we” want for ourselves. We are so focused on being the best parent, employee/ employer, partner and good friend… But when do we stop and say NO!?

When was the last time you went to the gym or yoga class?

When was the last time you did something simply for yourself?

When was the last time you participated in your hobbies or went our with a friend?

We live our lives with unquestionable structure for the responsibilities and duties we have; to ensure everyone around us is taken care of and happy and it’s so easy to let our own goals slip away.

Of course this isn’t something you can just change instantly, but you can make it a work in progress… So let’s do this together.

Let’s start with 30 minutes a day.

Take 30 minutes for some time to read a book, go for a walk, see a friend for coffee or… have a NAP! Yes i said it ladies! Anything you want to do with that 30 minutes. - This may mean you’re not cleaning, folding laundry or running to get the groceries straight away. But does it affect anyone? Hurt anyone? Not at all.

We make the decision to bare responsibility as we are naturally nurturing and we want to be caretakers, but at some point we take on too much.

Don’t worry about dishes, ironing or cooking gourmet meals. If your baby is safe, fed, and loved you are doing your job!

Of course this does mean working as a team with your partner, to ensure you get that 30 minutes, this by no means doesn’t imply dad doesn’t need a time out too! Working together can truly change the dynamics.

Create some extra time!

Meal Times:

I feel this is something that can take up a lot of time. E.g. collect the children from school/day care, go home, make dinner, feed kids, bath time, story time, bed time, clean all of the dishes from dinner, shower and before you know it, it’s bedtime.

Meal prep is a life saver!

This could mean on a Sunday, with the children, your partner or a friend… make it ‘meal prep Sunday’. Cook a few meals to cover the weeks dinners or lunches and pop them in the freezer.

This allows for that extra time during the week to spend with the children, free time for yourself or just to snuggle up with the whole family and cherish the moment.

There will always be a way to create more time in your routine to take time out for yourself and there is NO need to feel guilty. Because remember you are human too, you matter and most importantly… You’re doing a great job!


Yes i know…. The dreaded laundry…

Depending on how old your children are; Make it a little game.

The little ones can match sock colors and line them up on the couch for you. This will work for anything that can be colour coded.. It can be practice & Education with colours for toddlers and also a little bonding time for you.

Toy clean up

Ah, Remember when you were little and we just left our things everywhere? Well this can be a game too.

Create a little chart or a white board. If your little one picks up all their toys and pops them back in their correct spots, they get a mark. If they do this for 5 days ( Monday - Friday) There is something special for saturday. If could be a match box car, a trip to their favourite park, Their favourite food or they get movie night with popcorn! Positive reinforcement can be rewarding for the children but also help you with your normal routine.

Good Luck Ladies!! xx

Kate Buechner