Arabella has such a fabulous character of happiness


We met such a wonderful ray of sunshine today who goes by the name Arabella.

Upon her arrival we rushed to open the door to this tiny little lady waving “Hiiiii” with so much excitement!!

So of course without delay we took Arabella into the studio to select her dresses.
The moment we opened the wardrobe doors for her (picturing that wardrobe from beauty and the beast) Arabella made sounds we didn’t know a 2 year old could make! She promptly rushed over selecting all of the different colours she liked.. which mostly involved a lot of pink.. So it was very easy to realize this was her favorite colour.


We proceeded to let Arabella and her mum select their favourite outfits and the first dress was… yep! you guessed it.. PINK! and we couldn’t continue without selecting a sparkly tiara to finish off the look!

As we began, Arabella was such a fabulous lister, she sat like the perfect ballerina and crossed her ankles; looking so perfect! until…….. Frozen music started playing… she quickly stood; Very seriously! and begun to sing along to the song. The whole studio was at a stand still ensuring Arabella had her moment to perform this little song for us!

She then received claps from all that watched her sing along and we proceeded on with her Little Ballerinas Session.


Arabella has such a fabulous character of happiness and we can safely say she had complete control over what we would do next… We sat, we danced, we smelt flowers, we of course needed to dance with those flowers, there was bunny throwing, there was bunny dancing… There was so much excitement throughout her entire visit we lost track of time!!

All the while, We managed to capture some of the most stunning images of this little Ballerina and her effortless smile.. and that is what this is all about. Bringing joy to children! in our studio and for the Starlight Children!

No child will have a fabulous time sitting and being bored… We want them to feel free, accepted and to walk away with nothing but fabulous memories with us!
